Some couples who plan to get married make the big mistake of putting all the details in their hands, doing everything from church arrangements, invitation, venue, caterer, flowers, program, entourage, church service, wedding ring, outfit, host, singer, give-aways, bouquet, cake, photography, etc. All these put together only spell headache. There's a lot of leg work involved and chances are, many of the significant segments will be forgotten or left out. Leave it to a wedding planner who will foresee all the nitty-gritty details of even the simplest wedding.
The services of a wedding planner range from full to partial planning. So if you want to save and do half of the work, it is all up to you. But if you want to be stress-free and have a perfect wedding wherein you can truly flash your nicest smile, then get someone to do the worrying for you. Hire a wedding planner or coordinator.