Guys, beware of slimming pills because they can ruin your mind and body. Just this week, news came out of a teen-age girl who died as a result of the diet pills she was using. A few others have been sick, complaining of hallucinations and other weird happenings on their bodies which no doctor could explain. It is really very, very dangerous to use diet or slimming pearls. Be warned, guys.
If you are serious about losing weight, exercise your way to it. Exercise is fun and healthy. It may come in a lot of forms---sports, dancing, games, and all the fun thing that involves physical movement.
One slimming pill to avoid is one that has the terms "white" and "pearl" on the label and is Made in China or Taiwan.
If you are serious about losing weight, exercise your way to it. Exercise is fun and healthy. It may come in a lot of forms---sports, dancing, games, and all the fun thing that involves physical movement.
One slimming pill to avoid is one that has the terms "white" and "pearl" on the label and is Made in China or Taiwan.