When a kid is invited to a costume party this often causes some worries to parents. In one of my previous posts, one mom did away with such for she was afraid this will make invited guests decide against attending because they do not have costumes for their kids to wear. In case this is a problem with you, I don't think not having costumes is a good reason for not attending a party to which your kid is invited. Consider this as a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, that this could be the one and only such party you will ever be invited to and you missed the fun because of one flimsy reason. Here's what you need to do. REcycling old clothes can be fun and will cost you little. Be creative. Does the party not require any specific theme? Does it only say come in any Disney character costume, bunny costume, pirate, fairy, princess, mermaid, or just plain ANY costume of a cartoon character? Of course we know that there are costumes which you can buy but that would be added expense on your part. Borrow? Nah--may not be a very good idea. The best way to handle this is to put on your thinking cap and start creating your own. Once you have determined the perfect headdress, you're halfway done with the costume. Actually, the real trick is in the headdress. Tails, paws, or ears, or trunks can easily be made too. The dress or outfit could be any dress with the closest color or cut to the character you want your kid to portray.