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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
guide to hosting a debutante's party
When you are tasked to host a debut ball, it means that the one who invited you believes that you have some hosting skills which not everybody has. In trying to write out a script ahead of time, always bear in mind that everything should depend on the theme of the party, on what the debutante wants and on the circumstances that will arise during the party. As host you should be ready to say the right things in order to maintain the fun part of the party. The host is expected to give a short introduction, usually at the start of the party. In this intro the host can mention the significance of the occasion, what turning 18 means and how the debutante will start facing a new life with new responsibilities ahead of her, blah, blah, blah. There are no hard and fast rules actually. Just say what is right for the occasion, then it's all a matter of calling out each segment in the most interesting way, connecting each segment with lively comments in order to make the occasion a happy one.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
it's not everyday that we're getting wed or turning 18
It is okay to fumble and make some small lapses in weddings and debutante's balls because it is something that we get to experience only once in our lifetime. To expect perfection on these occasions would be courting frustration. Nothing can ever be perfect. Any party said to be very perfect is still imperfect because I can imagine a "very perfect party" to be boring---dry, dull, and so ho-hum. A "perfect" party is one with a few imperfections that the party-goers get to laugh at these lapses. So, never aim for a perfect party for you will only be aiming for a boring one.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry, merry X'mas!
Holiday greetings to you all and may you have a safe and prosperous New Year! The year 2009 is the year of the Ox. There are a lot of grim predictions about what's going to happen in 2009. Inspite of all the bad things we hear, let us not lose our hope. There are always two sides to an issue. If negative things happen, always remember that there are always the upside of things. Let us hope that more good things will happen than bad. Let us work together to have a better year for all of us by sharing with others whatever gifts or blessings we have. This is the only way we can combat the harsh realities ahead of us.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A six-year-old girl used to insist on wearing only pink clothes. Most of her clothes are pink. Surprisingly for her X'mas party, she agreed to wear something purple to match the boots given to her by an aunt. She had on a purple blouse which she matched with a cream-colored skirt that had purple trimmings on it. She was happy to announce that she was the only one wearing something different because all her girl classmates were wearing pink clothes. Hmmmm....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
script for a beauty pageant
Generally, beauty pageants consist of segments like casual wear, swim wear, interview, gown, and talent. Some pageants though hold a separate evening for the presentation of talents and in some cases, the presentation of the candidates' advocacies. Otherwise, if we have to go by the standards of traditional beauty pageants in this part of the world, everything would have to happen in one instance or one evening. The script or what the emcee or host will have to use depends on what the organizers and choreographer would like to happen. The scriptwriter or the emcee or host should know what the choreographers and organizers have in mind so he can fit the script to everything. The host or emcee has to know the general flow of the show but has to be ready to make adjustments should other matters come up other than the ones planned. In other words, the emcee has to have a good grasp of the language that he will be using so that he can easily fill in the gaps with the right lines. If he can't do this, I mean, if one doesn't have fluency of the language used, then he better give the job to someone who can deliver.
Friday, December 5, 2008
moon, venus and jupiter show
We've seen it on the evening of December 1. The moon, venus and jupiter show features these three in a perfect smiling position, the moon with its upturned corners and venus and jupiter that serve as eyes in the black starless night. We saw it! This phenomenon happens only once every 44 years. So the next time these three come together to form a beautiful smile will be in 2052! Wow!
Monday, December 1, 2008
it's Dec. 1, her birthday is on the 6th and the debutante still has no emcee
That can be scary for the emcee holds the failure or success of the program. However, said the debutante, she has a friend who will do it for her but she is asking for a script which the emcee can read. Okay. No debut is like any other. I mean, each debut celebration should be as distinct and as unique as the variety of personalities that host or attend parties. For one, debutantes are different individuals with different tastes. Therefore one cannot just pattern this party from another's party. The host or emcee should make the party as unique as possible. The script therefore should depend on what the debutante wants to happen during her big day. If she wants it to be fun or very classic or formal, then everything should be woven around that mood that the host would like to have in her party. The emcee first of all should have a good command of the language that she will be using during the program. If it's English, then she must be very good at it so that whatever happens she can always come in with lines that will "save" the party or lines that will minimize dead air or gaps. If she has a good command of the language, all she needs will be a list or an outline of the flow of the program and she can do everything extemporaneously.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
bridal fair
A bridal fair is set to happen come the month of love which is February of 2009. This is going to happen in one of the function halls of Bethel Guest House. Those looking forward to getting wed any month after that should come and see how they can make the occasion more meaningful and not so expensive. Here, the future bride and groom can choose for themselves the products and services they want direct from the providers themselves and this saves the couple a lot of cash because everything is transacted straight from the suppliers. This will also give the couple some ideas as to how they would like their big day to happen. Everything is there, so in one stop, one gets to complete the wedding plan. And, this can also be one good occasion for the would-be debutantes to look around for possible ideas. What a bride needs during her wedding day are exactly the same stuff that any debutante would need on her 18th birthday. So a bridal fair is not only for future brides. Those looking forward to celebrating their 18th birthday may also come and look around, preferably with the parents who will decide on the budget of the party.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
on paying talent fees
What you pay to a pro host is considered a "tf" or talent fee. Some people, especially those in the government, have this bad habit of giving the talent fee far too long after the event. The organizers of the show or program, whether it's a government agency or not, should make sure that talents are paid RIGHT AFTER the show and not make the talents go back to collect days or weeks after the work. This is rude and unprofessional on the part of the organizers. If there are papers to be prepared where the talents need to affix their signatures as proof of payment, this can easily be done days before the event.
Hosting any show or party is not a walk in the park. For one, the host or emcee spends for what he or she wears for the occasion, make-up and everything. She prepares or writes out a speech and has the huge responsibility of seeing to it that everything will perfectly fall into place. If there are untoward incidents that will happen, it is the emcee's duty to see to it that the show must go on. She fills in the gaps and sees to it that the show or party will have a happy ending. And by the way, a party or program (beauty pageant or debut, or whatever) lasts 3 to 4 hours. That's a lot of sleepless time. So dear, be more professional and fair. Pay the host, emcee or talents on the same evening after the show or event.No one would like to collect fees after a show. That's insulting both ways.
Hosting any show or party is not a walk in the park. For one, the host or emcee spends for what he or she wears for the occasion, make-up and everything. She prepares or writes out a speech and has the huge responsibility of seeing to it that everything will perfectly fall into place. If there are untoward incidents that will happen, it is the emcee's duty to see to it that the show must go on. She fills in the gaps and sees to it that the show or party will have a happy ending. And by the way, a party or program (beauty pageant or debut, or whatever) lasts 3 to 4 hours. That's a lot of sleepless time. So dear, be more professional and fair. Pay the host, emcee or talents on the same evening after the show or event.No one would like to collect fees after a show. That's insulting both ways.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
professional hosts are paid
When you want your party to be fun and perfect, you need to see to it that you hire a good host or emcee in whose hands the success or failure of a party lies. You might want to scrimp and just request a friend or a relative to do the hosting. But per experience, this can prove to be disastrous in the end. When looking forward to throwing a party and you want it to be a blast, hire a professional host.
Friday, November 14, 2008
brief introduction by host or emcee
"Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the coming out of one lucky girl who is turning 18 tonight. Turning 18 is every girl's most cherished moment for this stage means many things. It is a girl's significant transition from girlhood to adulthood. It means independence, it means responsibilities, it means living a new life. A girl who transitions from being a girl to becoming a full-blown lady can be likened to a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly. This is what is going to happen to our debutante tonight as she will formally be introduced to the public by her loving parents. The girl who turns 18 tonight was christened Zara Mae and is the only daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Ramon Curto. She has a younger brother who is too young to be her escort for he is only two years old. Zara Mae is currently enrolled in the College of Nursing at the University of the East. This girl has a lot of achievements too long to mention. A video show which will be shown later will give us more information about our debutante. (to be continued)
sample debut program
A lot of things are assumed here.Let's say everything is set to go. Let us imagine a debut party unfolding right before our very eyes. The guests start to arrive. They are either welcomed by the debutante herself, or by members of her family if she wants to have a dramatic entrance in which case the guests will only get to see her at a specific time of the program. Music fills the atmosphere as guests seat themselves and await for the program to start. When all guests have arrived and settled, grand music starts and the members of the cotillion come in, they give a dance as they are introduced by pairs. The emcee or host comes in to give a powerful introduction which consists of welcoming everyone to the occasion and explaining to them the significance of the celebration. He or she can give the meaning of debut, and talk about the life of the debutante. He will of course introduce the parents of the debutante, who in turn will personally call on the debutante and introduce her to everyone. A dramatic entrance can be done with props, music, as well as with the members of the cotillion ushering her to her special place. On cue, a pair of high heels are brought in and the debutante's father replaces her flat shoes into heels. The father walks her around, then back to her seat. A "harana" or serenade will follow. Then prayer before meals comes next, followed by the banquet. While everybody is partaking of the banquet, entertainment numbers will serve to fill in the gap. Then comes the lighting of the 18 candles. Those who light the 18 candles of the birthday cake will express a wish for the birthday girl. When all the 18 candles are lit and the 18 wishes had been said, the debutante approaches the birthday cake. The singing of the birthday song follows, then before the debutante blows off the 18 lighted candles she makes a wish, which she can do publicly or secretly. After the wish she blows all the eighteen candles followed by the release of the 18 balloons. Dancing follows. The debutante's father dances with her first, thus giving her the first rose. If she has a brother or brothers, they dance with her next, then other close male relatives, and eligible gentlemen who each give her a rose. After the dance, the debutante goes back to her seat while 18 guests are requested to do the 18 treasures. Each one of those assigned for the 18 treasures will go to the microphone, give the reason for the choice of the gift. The cotillion follows. Other additional highlights of the program can be done. If the debutante wants to sing, she can do this after the cotillion or during the banquet. The party should end with lots of dancing.
Hello, Ana!
Please give me other details of your sister's debut aside from the fact that it is one with a limited budget. I would like to know if you have chosen a theme for her party. Do give me the theme or motif so I can base the script there. Also, I have deleted your e-mail address by mistake. Please leave your e-mail here.
Friday, November 7, 2008
the father introduces his daughter to the public
I have yet to attend a debut in which the father of the debutante formally introduces his daughter to the public during her grand entrance. In most parties, it's the host or emcee that does the introduction. A more appropriate thing to do is to let the debutante's father do the announcement for that is after all, the real purpose of the party. The debutante's father, getting the cue from the host, can say, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, my daughter, (her name)."
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
from flat shoes to high heels
Another beautiful ceremony that can be added to a debut bash is the girl's transitioning from flat shoes to high heels which can be done in a most dramatic fashion. At one point,on cue, someone brings in the pair of high heels and the father of the debutante removes the flat shoes and replaces them with the high heels. They can then follow this with the girl's first dance with her dad.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
English for Koreans in Dumaguete
Koreans who come to the Philippines and who find themselves in Dumaguete City can have this cool place to learn English. It is located at corner Noblefranca St., right across FoodNet and Holy Cross High School. It is so easy to locate really for it is situated on top of MyPao.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
halloween costumes
Some people are just plain tired of wearing the usual scary costumes this halloween. Some have opted to be their favorite or most hated idol, like someone who is preparing to dress like Sarah Palin. Another celebrity has chosen to be Ellen Degeneres with her straight-legged pants, long sleeved upper blouse in a vest and scarf, and, of course, with the matching sneakers. If given the chance to be someone else, I'd like to be in the shoes of Sarah Palin too, he..he..he...can't think of anyone else who is getting so much attention these days. I do envy those glasses and her hair looks so good on her. I also admire her clothes.
Ellen Degeneres,
Sarah Palin,
Sarah Palin's glasses
masquerade theme for a debut
It sounds like fun to be going to a gala party where everybody is dressed formally, as in gowns and coats but I do not know if the wearing of masks especially if it's a debut bash would not rob the party-goers the comfort of not having anything that covers the face. For one, masks can be very cumbersome especially those that do not fit well. They can make the wearer feel uncomfortable because it can be hot after a while, and also, its smell can actually suffocate the wearer. Another thing, when one starts to sweat, the make-up would most likely run and ruin the beauty of the wearer when the time to remove the mask comes. One more drawback is the unwanted appearance of gatecrashers or uninvited guests---you never can know. A masquerade party works well during halloween or maybe a JS prom for a change, but for a debut, I don't think the idea will work.
formal dress,
JS prom,
masquerade party
Sunday, October 26, 2008
planning an event or a party
Budget is the first thing to be considered before planning any event or party. It is the budget which determines the general tempo of the party. However, one can always work around a limited budget if you have enough time to personally prepare some of the things needed instead of hiring someone to do this. By personally doing or making some of the party stuff you need, you can actually save a lot of money or use this for other party necessities. What are some of the things you can personally prepare?
1. party give-aways---personally- made party favors are better appreciated and actually come out more beautiful than the commercial ones
2. cake --- if you can bake or if any member of your family can prepare this, then this could mean a lot of savings for you
3. food --- preparing the food by hiring one or two chefs can be a huge help to your budget
4. hosting---a close friend or any member of the family can do this (for a guide, you can refer to any of the old posts here)
5. venue---if you have a nice place you don't have to rent one
6. decoration----flowers, balloons, ribbons, etc. are easily available---you can tap your friends or relatives to help you out with this
There are many ways in which a party planner can turn a small-budget event into a blast. For more discussions, please refer to the old posts in this blog.
1. party give-aways---personally- made party favors are better appreciated and actually come out more beautiful than the commercial ones
2. cake --- if you can bake or if any member of your family can prepare this, then this could mean a lot of savings for you
3. food --- preparing the food by hiring one or two chefs can be a huge help to your budget
4. hosting---a close friend or any member of the family can do this (for a guide, you can refer to any of the old posts here)
5. venue---if you have a nice place you don't have to rent one
6. decoration----flowers, balloons, ribbons, etc. are easily available---you can tap your friends or relatives to help you out with this
There are many ways in which a party planner can turn a small-budget event into a blast. For more discussions, please refer to the old posts in this blog.
party planning,
party venues
Saturday, October 25, 2008
At Random turns 1
At Random, a local TV show in Dumaguete City, has come of age---well, not really. It just turned 1 a few days back and it's been a blast for the staff/hosts/producers of the show, having gone this far, having interviewed more than a hundred very important people in the community.
The show airs on Channel 6, Filproducts Cable TV every Friday at 5:30 p.m., Saturday 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
There's more to expect from this show with nothing but positive ratings and responses from its viewers.
The show airs on Channel 6, Filproducts Cable TV every Friday at 5:30 p.m., Saturday 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
There's more to expect from this show with nothing but positive ratings and responses from its viewers.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Some people are coming to this blog and I do not know them. This really intrigues me because these people do not drop a line or a comment so I have no way of knowing why they come to this blog. I presume though that they must be those party planners or those looking forward to hosting a party who want tips on how these things should go about. I should say you have come to the right place. My very old posts have all the answers to what you're looking for. You might want to go over my 2007 entries coz I had given a lot of tips there. Anyway, thanks for coming. Should you have questions you want me to answer, feel free to ask them through "comments".
Friday, October 3, 2008
writing the script
The host or emcee for any program has the duty to first of all, find out from the celebrant what she wants to happen during the party. The emcee must know the theme and the parts or numbers that had been prepared for the occasion. With these at hand, the host can now write the script around the theme and what the celebrant wants to happen. If the celebrant has no idea of the whole thing and she is giving you the freedom to organize the parts of the program, then you don't have to worry about anything. You will be the boss and the success or failure of the party depends on you. In other words, in your hands lie the party's life or death. First off, picture the whole party in your mind. How should it start? Of course the emcee holds the biggest part here. She has to prepare the opening lines in a way that would put everyone at ease and happy. Be a fun host. Deliver the lines like you are enjoying the party yourself. A program or party that starts well, ends well. Remember, the host does not merely call out the next number. She has to connect each number to the next. She has to observe and listen to the different presentations so she can give appropriate and witty transitions after each. If you can't do this, then hosting may not be for you.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sarah Palin's glasses are in
If you want to look cool and fashionable inspite of eyeglasses that normally make people look old, try wearing Sarah Palin's glasses which are squarish and rimless. They really look very chic and flattering to the face.
Friday, September 19, 2008
At Random marks its 1st
At Random, a talk and TV magazine shown on channel 6 of Filproducts turns a year old next month. Congratulations to the staff of At Random! Keep it on!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
script-writing for free
I know why some of you visit this blog. You want to get some ideas as to how a party for a debut, wedding, anniversary, etc. should go. Well, I had done a lot of sharing in my old, old posts but if you want to get into details, I don't mind giving them to you here. Just express what you really want to know under "comment" and I will gladly be of help.
one stormy wedding
One wedding which was planned so perfectly turned out to be a nightmare when an ugly storm suddenly came into the scene, wrecking havoc everywhere, destroying the tents and wetting the food and the guests. The wedded couple rushed to say their "I do's" in the middle of the bad weather. The officiating pastor was heard to utter some bad words as it was almost impossible for him to perform the ceremony. The venue was at a resort which had a beautiful garden and pool. Looking back, I thought I could I have done a much better job as host sans the typhoon.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
let's talk about venues
One important thing to be considered in having a party for whatever occasion (wedding, debut, etc.) is the venue. The venue should fit the theme that the celebrants have chosen. Supposing the celebrant wants a "garden setting", then there are nice places that truly create the right garden ambience. Since this is going to be an outdoor affair, the organizers should see to it that there is plan b in case it rains or a storm suddenly comes. Does the venue provide this option in case the weather does not permit a garden celebration?
One debutante chose to hold her party beside the pool of a famous resort. It was pure magic! The lights and all the balloons of all shapes and sizes floating on the pool gave a truly magnificent sight. The only drawback I noticed was the fact that in a pool setting the guests are usually seated too far apart. The pool turned out to be a big gap in the middle of the party and it was difficult to hold the attention of the guests in one piece. It was difficult to appreciate the cotillion since parts of the audience could not entirely see the dancers. So there's the loophole when you have a pool party.
One debutante chose to hold her party beside the pool of a famous resort. It was pure magic! The lights and all the balloons of all shapes and sizes floating on the pool gave a truly magnificent sight. The only drawback I noticed was the fact that in a pool setting the guests are usually seated too far apart. The pool turned out to be a big gap in the middle of the party and it was difficult to hold the attention of the guests in one piece. It was difficult to appreciate the cotillion since parts of the audience could not entirely see the dancers. So there's the loophole when you have a pool party.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
more programs
Hello dear readers!
I know that many of you are here to get some tips on how certain events should be hosted. I know. Some friends have asked me to share scripts for weddings, birthdays, debuts, anniversaries, but I tell you, I have already shared everything that needs to be shared. They can be found in my old, old posts, so please go over them, I have sample programmes for weddings, debuts, birthdays, etc. All you need to do is go over the old posts to find what you're looking for. Good luck!
If you have questions, feel free to drop me your message here and I will gladly respond.
I know that many of you are here to get some tips on how certain events should be hosted. I know. Some friends have asked me to share scripts for weddings, birthdays, debuts, anniversaries, but I tell you, I have already shared everything that needs to be shared. They can be found in my old, old posts, so please go over them, I have sample programmes for weddings, debuts, birthdays, etc. All you need to do is go over the old posts to find what you're looking for. Good luck!
If you have questions, feel free to drop me your message here and I will gladly respond.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Programme for a debut
There are actually no hard and fast rules as to how a debutante's party ought to flow. It all depends on how the debutante wants it to be celebrated. First of all, the family should decide on a party theme or motif which should serve as a springboard for all the numbers that will happen during the debut. If it's a "fairy tale" type of party or a "pop star" or "rock and roll" type of party, then the programme should be based on that theme.
A debut however usually has the following segments:
(1) debutante's dramatic entrance & introduction (the debutante's father should present his daughter to the public
(2) changing the flat shoes to high heels (the father personally does this---the debutante is seated while the father changes her shoes
(3) cotillion
(4) 18 roses
(4) 18 candles
(5) 18 well-wishers
(6) 18 treasures
(7) 18 balloons
There is no ready-made script for such an occasion. The host or emcee takes charge of seeing to it that the segments are presented in the most interesting and fun way. Otherwise, the celebration will turn out to be a drab.
If you do not know how to go about the whole show, better hire a professional emcee to provide the magic for you.
After all, its success depends greatly on how well the host or emcee is able to turn the evening into an enchanting one.
A debut however usually has the following segments:
(1) debutante's dramatic entrance & introduction (the debutante's father should present his daughter to the public
(2) changing the flat shoes to high heels (the father personally does this---the debutante is seated while the father changes her shoes
(3) cotillion
(4) 18 roses
(4) 18 candles
(5) 18 well-wishers
(6) 18 treasures
(7) 18 balloons
There is no ready-made script for such an occasion. The host or emcee takes charge of seeing to it that the segments are presented in the most interesting and fun way. Otherwise, the celebration will turn out to be a drab.
If you do not know how to go about the whole show, better hire a professional emcee to provide the magic for you.
After all, its success depends greatly on how well the host or emcee is able to turn the evening into an enchanting one.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
6th birthday at Jollibee
It was a simple but jolly birthday celebration at Jollibee which happened August 3 at 2:30 p.m. Dewey's classmates and teacher, friends, and family were there to mark Dewey's birthday. A simple celebration like that doesn't really hurt one's budget. What's important is the fact that family members and friends were there to share this happy moment with us.
The kids went crazy when Jollibee himself not only made an appearance but gave a nice dance number.
The kids went crazy when Jollibee himself not only made an appearance but gave a nice dance number.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Are you cool?
The word "cool" has become so popular that anyone or anything that is considered good is branded as "cool". One is uncool when one does not go with the flow, when one goes against the norm or when one offends others. You are cool when you do not experience any of the following:
1. Nervousness in front of other people. Being calm or not showing your real feelings can make you cool during nerve-wracking situations.
2. Anger is very uncool, especially when you blow off steam in front of others, that is so uncool. The person you berate may look good on those who witness your outburst and you will come out as the devil's advocate. Avoid this. Be cool even during rough times.
3. Love what you have and who you are. Flaunt what you got. That's cool.
4. Whining or complaining seldom changes things. Just give your best and stop whining.
5. Being uncooperative or apathetic is uncool. You are a part of this universe of humans, so act like you are one. Be helpful.
1. Nervousness in front of other people. Being calm or not showing your real feelings can make you cool during nerve-wracking situations.
2. Anger is very uncool, especially when you blow off steam in front of others, that is so uncool. The person you berate may look good on those who witness your outburst and you will come out as the devil's advocate. Avoid this. Be cool even during rough times.
3. Love what you have and who you are. Flaunt what you got. That's cool.
4. Whining or complaining seldom changes things. Just give your best and stop whining.
5. Being uncooperative or apathetic is uncool. You are a part of this universe of humans, so act like you are one. Be helpful.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hari Ng Negros is set on June 28
Followers of the most prestigious male pageant in this island will surely make that annual trip again to Canlaon on the 28th of this month in order to witness the 6th search for this year's Hari Ng Negros. Twenty five males representing 25 towns and cities of Negros Oriental and Negros Occidental will once again vie for that much-coveted title. Hosting this year's pageant is Hari Ng Negros 2006, Mark Xander Fabillar, host and producer of "At Random", a weekly local TV talk and entertainment show.
Friday, May 30, 2008
"Burst", the fashion show
It was an evening of colors, lights, glitters, smoke, people, loud music, and drinks. "Burst", the fashion show, was a huge success, except for a few loopholes which I don't have to mention here since the good side of the show outweighs its downside. It happened midnight of May 23 at El Camino Blanco and here's proof of the pudding.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
How cool is your summer?
How did you spend or waste your summer? Did you immerse yourself in the pages of your favorite novels? Or did you soak yourself everyday at the beach? Hmmm.....it seems like kids are spending more time at home facing their computers. Thirteen kids spent summer honing their communication skills doing a bit of hosting, debating, singing, dancing, and most of all interacting with kids their own age. The perk is, they get to do all these and show on TV! Isn't that one cool way of using your school break?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
black is back
Pop stars in this country have redyed their hair black as opposed to the blonde look many months ago. It is no longer fashionable to wear your hair light. Today the fad is black so now everybody's growing their hair and having it as black as possible.
As to accessories, big or huge earrings are still in. Rings with super-sized stones also come along with the gigantic earrings. Necklaces are still long and big. Wow! I love this fashion!
As to accessories, big or huge earrings are still in. Rings with super-sized stones also come along with the gigantic earrings. Necklaces are still long and big. Wow! I love this fashion!
Friday, April 18, 2008
13 kids become instant stars!
A total of 13 kids have joined the workshop in communication and so far, they have already guested our TV show for 3 episodes. Isn't that cool? They have done "joke time", hosting, fashion show, interviewing, etc. These kids still have 3 more episodes to go. Hopefully another batch will come in lst week of May.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Summer is here, kids!
Yeheeey! I can almost jump with glee as I hear the kids laughing and welcoming their much-awaited summer vacation. It's summer vacation and it means lots and lots of time to do the things you were not able to do because of school. I know. But remember kids to make the most out of your summer vacation because time flies and before you know it, you'll be saying goodbye to it and welcoming another school year. So here's a list on how you can make your summer vacation a truly productive one.
(1.) Use it to learn a skill or two. What is it that you have long wanted to do? Play the guitar, piano, drums? Do it. But make sure that it is really the thing that you want to do. There are other skills that you can look into like polishing or brushing up on your communication skills. Yes, there are summer programs for those, too.
(2.) Work to earn. You can help your mom and dad with their business and get paid for it.
(3.) REad a book everyday.
(4) Join a summer camp but be sure to be able to survive in a very risky environment with mosquitoes everywhere.
(5) Take up dancing, singing, etc.
Good luck to you, it's all up to you really!
(1.) Use it to learn a skill or two. What is it that you have long wanted to do? Play the guitar, piano, drums? Do it. But make sure that it is really the thing that you want to do. There are other skills that you can look into like polishing or brushing up on your communication skills. Yes, there are summer programs for those, too.
(2.) Work to earn. You can help your mom and dad with their business and get paid for it.
(3.) REad a book everyday.
(4) Join a summer camp but be sure to be able to survive in a very risky environment with mosquitoes everywhere.
(5) Take up dancing, singing, etc.
Good luck to you, it's all up to you really!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
the Spanish Heritage
The Spanish Heritage is one of the best venues to hold special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, conventions, debuts, or what-have-you. It is fully air-conditioned and is equipped with the best facilities in town. Located along San Juan St. near the boulevard, the Spanish Heritage boasts of a glorious past. The structure has been saved to preserve its original look and at the same time achieve the kind of elegance that modern establishments have. It is very flexible, it easily adapts to the theme or motif of the celebration. Its "homely" atmosphere makes it one of the most unique venues in the country.
Monday, February 18, 2008
huge accessories
Scouting for fashionable accessories in our small city can be a frustrating exercise. I was looking for rings with huge, huge stones or design but managed to find only one store that sold only about two types of what I was looking for and they were not even huge enough. Then I also scouted for good thick bangles but only found a few common-looking ones. Long necklaces that hang down close to the waistline with gigantic pendants were also not to be found here. Neither did I find round earrings as big as bracelets. It seems like our small town needs some updated accessory shops.
Friday, February 15, 2008
who wins as Prom Queen?
The most coveted title during annual JS Proms is that of a Prom Queen. Who gets chosen as the prom queen? Is she one with the most beautiful gown? Or one with the most expensive gown? Or is she the lady who is the most beautiful that night, one who is able to carry herself elegantly? Well, it is not easy to answer this question since different schools follow different criteria for choosing their prom queen.
But of course, prom queens should have a combination of these qualities:
1. elegance
2. charm
3. beauty
4. personability
5. attractiveness
6. sociability
Ladies, did you project all those qualities above? If you did, you should have gotten the title "Prom Queen".
But of course, prom queens should have a combination of these qualities:
1. elegance
2. charm
3. beauty
4. personability
5. attractiveness
6. sociability
Ladies, did you project all those qualities above? If you did, you should have gotten the title "Prom Queen".
Saturday, February 9, 2008
on wearing black

Ages ago, black was only associated with anything gloomy or evil. In our country alone, people would know that a member of the family had passed away because it was a custom for members of the bereaved family to wear black when someone died as a sign of great mourning. This practice had been strictly observed and followed until a new trend took over, when, instead of wearing black, family members are now required to wear all white with a black pin attached to the left side of the dress or shirt. No longer would you see all members of the bereaved family in total blackness.
Today black is no longer looked upon as the color of death or evil. People wear it for a variety of reasons as black matches with any color and that black can tremendously make the wearer look thinner and thus, better-looking. Black has come to be associated with glam. Women who wear black are said to look more glamorous and classy. DI's in ballroom competitions prefer a totally black outfit. In beauty pageants many candidates who wear black usually appear the most glamorous. But, the big but is, according to fashion experts, women below 30 should NEVER wear a black gown or dress. Why? That's the rule, the say. Only women 30 above may wear a gown or ball dress in black.
Today black is no longer looked upon as the color of death or evil. People wear it for a variety of reasons as black matches with any color and that black can tremendously make the wearer look thinner and thus, better-looking. Black has come to be associated with glam. Women who wear black are said to look more glamorous and classy. DI's in ballroom competitions prefer a totally black outfit. In beauty pageants many candidates who wear black usually appear the most glamorous. But, the big but is, according to fashion experts, women below 30 should NEVER wear a black gown or dress. Why? That's the rule, the say. Only women 30 above may wear a gown or ball dress in black.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
birthstone for February: amethyst

Amethyst, the gemstone believed by ancient Greeks and Romans to ward off the intoxicating powers of Bacchus, also is said to keep the wearer clear-headed and quick-witted. Throughout history, the gemstone has been associated with many myths, legends, religions, and numerous cultures. English regalia were even decorated with amethysts during the Middle Ages to symbolize royalty. It has been associated with many myths, legends, religions, and numerous cultures. Amethyst is purple quartz, a beautiful blend of violet and red that can found in every corner of the earth. Historically, the finest amethyst were found in Russia and were featured in much royal European jewelry. Today, while Brazil is the primary source of this gemstone, fine material can be found elsewhere, especially in Zambia.
Amethyst, the gemstone believed by ancient Greeks and Romans to ward off the intoxicating powers of Bacchus, also is said to keep the wearer clear-headed and quick-witted. Throughout history, the gemstone has been associated with many myths, legends, religions, and numerous cultures. English regalia were even decorated with amethysts during the Middle Ages to symbolize royalty. It has been associated with many myths, legends, religions, and numerous cultures. Amethyst is purple quartz, a beautiful blend of violet and red that can found in every corner of the earth. Historically, the finest amethyst were found in Russia and were featured in much royal European jewelry. Today, while Brazil is the primary source of this gemstone, fine material can be found elsewhere, especially in Zambia.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
love and its many colors

Hey, guys! It's the month of love and what a perfect time for you to show your love to the people you care about and who care about you.
So love is not only about having a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". Love is universal and has several types, foremost of this is your love for the people who begot you in this world, your parents. Then you have love for your siblings, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relatives, teachers, classmates, neighbors, pets, etc . So you see? No one is loveless in this month of love and there are just myriads of ways to express this love to whoever we want to know that we care about them. It's not only flowers and chocolates, but there are other things or other ways of showing our loved ones that they are remembered especially on this month of love. So start being creative now and think of the best gifts you could give to your beloved.
So love is not only about having a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". Love is universal and has several types, foremost of this is your love for the people who begot you in this world, your parents. Then you have love for your siblings, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relatives, teachers, classmates, neighbors, pets, etc . So you see? No one is loveless in this month of love and there are just myriads of ways to express this love to whoever we want to know that we care about them. It's not only flowers and chocolates, but there are other things or other ways of showing our loved ones that they are remembered especially on this month of love. So start being creative now and think of the best gifts you could give to your beloved.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
gowns, gowns, gowns
There's this new place in the city that rents out gowns for all formal occasions. The gowns are so elegant that you can't help stepping into one of them, which I did as part of our segment on gowns to be aired on Sunday at 8 in the evening, channel 6, Filproducts cable. If you are attending a prom, debut, or maybe preparing to be wed, renting a gown is worth considering. Having a gown made can give you headaches. First, you need to worry about the color and type of cloth. Then you need to worry about the style or cut, then the dressmaker. With a finished or readymade gown, you don't worry about any of those details. You get to choose from an array of gowns---color, style, type of fabric, it's all there for you for the choosing.
And yes, the rent is not really that expensive coz we are talking about a gown that you will most likely only wear once. What is the point of spending a fortune on it?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
themed JS Prom
It would be a most memorable JS prom if you opt to have a theme so students don't come in wearing just about any attire. The participants should meet and vote for a theme which they would like to adopt. Here are some suggested themes you can use:
1. Cinderella theme
2. Hawaiian theme
3. Disney theme
4. color theme (blue for seniors, pink for juniors or yellow for seniors, green for juniors)
5. Romeo & Juliet theme (I love this)
6. 1950's theme
7. rainbow theme
8. love theme (all will come in red gowns & suits)
9. belly dancers
10. Filipiniana (in Filipino costumes/terno, barong, etc.)
1. Cinderella theme
2. Hawaiian theme
3. Disney theme
4. color theme (blue for seniors, pink for juniors or yellow for seniors, green for juniors)
5. Romeo & Juliet theme (I love this)
6. 1950's theme
7. rainbow theme
8. love theme (all will come in red gowns & suits)
9. belly dancers
10. Filipiniana (in Filipino costumes/terno, barong, etc.)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
February is JS Prom month in the Philippines
February could be the best choice to have the annual Junior and Seniors' prom since February is said to be love month.
It is going to be a busy month for all juniors and seniors. Planning ahead about what gown to wear would take off a lot of the worries that go with the occasion. Start doing research as to the best color to wear. Remember that the color for this year is mellow yellow but still you have to see to it that you don't wear the same one as the other girls. It pays to be unique.
It is going to be a busy month for all juniors and seniors. Planning ahead about what gown to wear would take off a lot of the worries that go with the occasion. Start doing research as to the best color to wear. Remember that the color for this year is mellow yellow but still you have to see to it that you don't wear the same one as the other girls. It pays to be unique.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
the water gun

One toy I never bought my kids in the past was this water gun and I never intended to have one in the house now. However, two days ago the mom of our kid in the house bought her a water gun and started firing at all of us! I was mad! The floor was all wet and her dolls and other toys had all the share of the water too. That is why I never wanted this kind of toy because it messes up your place and causes slips when the floor gets wet.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
once upon a time....
"Once upon a time..." always catches the attention of our five-year-old kid who has also learned the art of storytelling by starting with those magic lines.
As far as my two grown children were concerned they grew up with stories that started with "ONce upon a time..." for I told them stories every single night when they were kids in order to put them to sleep. Somehow, I have made it a habit to start my stories with that line even with my grandkid.
Well, what happened once upon a time when my kids where young enough to believe those fairy tales? Did I not run out of stories? Honestly, I did after I had narrated ALL the popular fairy tales I had to fabricate all the rest and sometimes fell asleep before they did. But that was a long time ago when kids believed and listened to stories that started with "ONce upon a time..."
As far as my two grown children were concerned they grew up with stories that started with "ONce upon a time..." for I told them stories every single night when they were kids in order to put them to sleep. Somehow, I have made it a habit to start my stories with that line even with my grandkid.
Well, what happened once upon a time when my kids where young enough to believe those fairy tales? Did I not run out of stories? Honestly, I did after I had narrated ALL the popular fairy tales I had to fabricate all the rest and sometimes fell asleep before they did. But that was a long time ago when kids believed and listened to stories that started with "ONce upon a time..."
Sunday, January 6, 2008
first visit to the dentist

It is said that when a child's tooth falls out you have to keep it under his pillow in the evening because a tooth fairy will surely surprise the kid with a gift. Well, not even this story could convince our five-year-old kid that the trip to the dentist was fun.
We tried to make the kid believe that it would be fun at the dentist's clinic because she said she saw Mr. Bean shaking scared at the dentist's office. When asked why Mr. Bean was scared, she told us that the dentist was holding something like a big "injection" that was why Mr. Bean was shaking. We had to convince her that it's different here because there will be no "injections" involved. Still, the kid showed some anxiety for a while especially when she was asked to sit on the dentist's chair. Of course the dentist tried to play with her at first by moving the seat up and down. Everything went well until the dentist came up with the injection which she'd only use to squirt water into the kid's bleeding gum. This part made Dewey cover her mouth for she wouldn't want any injections. Well, as per doctor's order we had to head off to the nearest ice cream house for faster healing of the tiny wound caused by a tooth extraction.
We tried to make the kid believe that it would be fun at the dentist's clinic because she said she saw Mr. Bean shaking scared at the dentist's office. When asked why Mr. Bean was scared, she told us that the dentist was holding something like a big "injection" that was why Mr. Bean was shaking. We had to convince her that it's different here because there will be no "injections" involved. Still, the kid showed some anxiety for a while especially when she was asked to sit on the dentist's chair. Of course the dentist tried to play with her at first by moving the seat up and down. Everything went well until the dentist came up with the injection which she'd only use to squirt water into the kid's bleeding gum. This part made Dewey cover her mouth for she wouldn't want any injections. Well, as per doctor's order we had to head off to the nearest ice cream house for faster healing of the tiny wound caused by a tooth extraction.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wisdom teeth
The growth or eruption of wisdom teeth can be a painful experience. There are instances which necessitate the removal of wisdom tooth especially when it bothers the person.
Wisdom teeth usually appear at ages 17 to 25. However, there are some whose wisdeom teeth appear as early as 14.
Our five-year-old kid in the house then is far from having her wisdom teeth. The poor kid has had toothaches because of the sweet goodies given to her last Christmas. But it's not the growth of wisdom teeth as is the belief of her mom.
Wisdom teeth usually appear at ages 17 to 25. However, there are some whose wisdeom teeth appear as early as 14.
Our five-year-old kid in the house then is far from having her wisdom teeth. The poor kid has had toothaches because of the sweet goodies given to her last Christmas. But it's not the growth of wisdom teeth as is the belief of her mom.
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